Facebook GlobalConnect's Charitable Contributions Program

Charitable Contributions

GlobalConnect's belief in the American way—and neighbors helping neighbors—runs deep. We are strong advocates of supporting the communities we are in and have included both charitable contributions as well as a top-down commitment to giving back from the beginning of the company. 

Our charitable contributions program has benefitted hundreds of nonprofit organizations across the country, and we are proud to continue our ongoing support of them in partnership with our clients.

We Contribute a Portion
of EVERY Loyalty Purchase

One of the ways we have had the biggest impact in our communities is through our charitable donations program. The program is two-fold; it includes empowering your associates to make an impact, as well as actually donating funds directly to the charities.

How does the program empower associates to make an impact? We get your team involved in designating which charities will receive funds. Each associate is able to select his or her favorite charity to be the recipient of funds from his/her purchases. We then contribute 1.5% of every loyalty purchase made, which adds up quickly! Each quarter, we report the funds given to each organization, along with the total contributed to date. And your associates are able to see the dollar value of their charitable impact directly within their GlobalConnectMe app! Now that is what we call a win-win!

We Support What Matters to You

We all have our favorite charities, and there is no shortage of need in our communities. Our program is structured to enable each associate to designate the charity of his or her choice to receive funds. Or, if your company has a relationship with a charity that you would like to support company-wide, you can encourage associates to designate the company charity. Either way, we'll make sure that our contributed funds go directly to the charities you and your associates designate.

Select Your Charity Now!
Setting up your charity to receive funds is easy.

  • Sign up for your free loyalty rewards account at globalconnectme.com or download the GlobalConnect App (at the App store or Google Play)
  • Set up your profile on the app.
  • Once set up, click on "account" and then "charity" to choose your charity from the hundreds listed.

Don't see your charity? Just let us know!

Sowing the Seeds of Community

GlobalConnect knows that being a good corporate citizen means being an active member of our communities. In addition to donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to our clients' charities, we (and our affiliates across the country) participate in, volunteer for, and donate goods to local nonprofit events and fundraisers. From our staff's involvement to "walking the talk," we roll up our sleeves to make a difference!